Monday, August 23, 2010

Still at the temp job.......but she's still letting me work 9a-3p which is fabulous.

Even better?  I have a phone interview that's NOT in the automotive field.  That's right.  The elusive medical field.  At a well-known (at least around here), stable, manufacturer of medical devices about 45 minutes away.  Getting in there would be a huge positive.  I know I could probably get in to the one up in Kalamazoo...I know almost a dozen people who currently work there, but we'd have to move.  And I'm not really up for that right now.

Dental bills suck.

Ran 7.3m yesterday.  And got the worst migraine afterwards...stretched right into this morning.  Talk about sucking.  Holy painful.  I almost called in this morning, but we gotta pay for those cavities.  Now?  All 4 kids can brush their damn teeth after every single meal, snack, drink of milk for all I care.  I'll encourage it.  Toothpaste is cheap.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Still at the temp job.  Not sure when I start at my old plant, but that boss is definitely still planning on bringing me back at some point.  I just wish I knew when.  Things were going pretty well - until yesterday.  It started out okay.  I got approval to work 9a-3p...which is great since there's an hour drive on either side of that.  DH got put on overtime, an hour a day.  So he's working 7a-4:30p, which is why I wanted to leave earlier.

But then I got home yesterday, and the bill for #2's dental work was there.  And everything just went to crap.  This temp job covers the nanny, gas, and I MAYBE take home $150 a week working only 30 hours.  Mostly, though, it's just significantly less than we're used to.  But I was unemployed and needed a job.

Her dental bill just completely wiped out our savings.  5 cavities, plus sealants, plus GAS because she couldn't calm down.  $700.  After insurance on the first 2.  (It expired at the end of July and we couldn't get all 5 of them filled before that's actually only 3 cavities plus our portion of the other 2.)

And we are wiped out.  For the first time in a long time, I can't pay the entire credit card bill.  Only half.  But I have the last full payment on my van as well.  Plus DH's car insurance bill showed up in my email last night.  And the first payment for the girls tuition.  Plus a massive water bill because it was so hot the water in the pool kept getting lower.  Plus a huge electric bill because it was so hot the AC was running constantly.  Plus all the beginning of the year school costs. (School supplies for 3?  $150 and that does NOT include backpacks and lunchboxes.)  It was just like all of a sudden everything hit.  All at once.  And it SUCKS.  We were so on track to be in a decent place financially.  Now I just feel like I got hit with a car.  :(  DH had to give me a good chunk of his Jeep fund as well. 

But now, I have to find out if I can work longer or not since I just got reduced hours approved to help make extra money.  I also spent a good portion of last night looking for better paying jobs, closer to home. 

In good news, the girls are doing well at school.  #3 is so excited to start preschool in September, and #4 is doing decently in Speech Therapy.  Still frustrating, but he's definitely improving.

All in all though?  Not impressed with August right now.  Hoping the rest of the month is better.

Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Hmmmm - it's been a lot longer than I thought.

July 19 was my last day at the sucky job.  It was the first time I've ever been fired.  Ever.  But it was a race to see if I quit or got fired first.  There was some mildly unethical crap going on.  I didn't fall in line, and actually argued against what was going on, so I figured it wouldn't be long.  Fortunately, we only owe $425 on the van.  Then all we have is the house left.  It will be a huge birthday present to me to get that title in the mail! 

We can afford to live with just DH working.  It's tight, and sucks at times.  Especially Christmas.  But we can do it.  The kids school tuition is what would suck the most.  It's not that much...$350 a month total for all 3 of them, but it's enough that it makes things tight when they wouldn't be otherwise.  My uncle offered to pay half of their tuition, and DH was going to ask MIL for the other half as our Christmas present...but we still have to come up with it to start with.  Even if she didn't give it to us though, we'd figure something out.  So we decided I'd stay home for a while.  I canceled the satellite dish (oh my little DVR, how I miss you!), and we stopped spending. 

Four days later I had two phone calls.  That was Friday, July 23.  On Monday July 26, I had to go pee in a cup and started another job on the 27th.  It's a temp thing, and mostly just a favor for a friend.  It pays okay, but not great...mostly I'm only doing it because she asked.  It's an hour drive, and easy work, supposed to last 2-3 weeks.  I already told her that next Friday is my last day...this drive is rough.

And that's great, because the other phone call was that my old plant was re-opening and my former boss wants me to go work for him again.  Right now there's only 4 people there, and he's basically just waiting for me to be done here so I can go back there.  Have to transfer all the equipment back in, and start the plant up.  It's a lot more money.  It's a 7 minute drive.  And the kids school is on the way.  I drop the girls off on my way into work.  They are flexible and work with me on hours if I need to go do something, like doctor appointments or school meetings, whatever.  So I should be back there probably the 16th.  Or maybe the 23rd. 

I can't wait.  I miss that place.  I really liked the people I worked with and after 3 years, I had really started to feel like I KNEW the job and was getting really comfortable with it.  Still not sure I love being an engineer, but I'm pretty sure that's what I'm going to be when I grow up.....

But yeah.  I was a little sad that I only had 4 days off!  I honestly thought I was going to get more, and was surprised to get two offers in one day really.  Had I known that, I would have quit that shithole I was working at for 5 months!

Running is going okay.  Not sure how my half is going to go...I'm 7 weeks out, and am getting shin splints again.  It's my own fault, I slowed way the hell down on running.  I was down to 3m once a week...then suddenly went up to 11-14m in 3 runs, without really doing anything else.  Too much, too soon, too fast.  Plus I tend to overstride, and heel striking causing them as well.  So I only did 2m yesterday (in 91% humidity TYVM) and iced the rest of the night.  Thursday run will be the same or nothing only on the dreadmill.  And Sunday, I may reduce my 6m long run a bit.  We'll see how my shins are feeling.  But I have 8 races between Labor Day and Thanksgiving, plus the Indy Mini on Mother's Day again, so I have to get healed!